The 2019 registration session ends on March 31, 2019. Any registrations after this date are subject to a $25 late fee and will be dependent on availability in each division. Register now to avoid the late fee and guarantee your spot!
You can access the registration site by visiting our home page or using this link: Register Now!
Online payment is REQUIRED to complete the registration process. Your child is NOT registered unless the payment process is completed.
To complete registration payment through our secure site, please have your Visa, MasterCard, Discover, or checking account information available. Following the completion of this registration, you will see a charge on your account from Leamington Minor Soccer.
*** PLEASE NOTE: Anyone using the P2P or Jumpstart assistance programs MUST contact LMS via our website or Facebook page before registering.
*** PLEASE NOTE: LMS DOES NOT accommodate requests for players to be on the same team except for siblings. Siblings in the same division who indicate that they would like to be on the same team will be accommodated. This option is NOT open for requests who are not siblings. Any requests indicating another player as a sibling who is not actually a sibling will be ignored.
*** PLEASE NOTE: The LMS Refund Policy is as follows:
100% refund up to an including the end of the registration period (March 31st).
50% refund up to and including May 15th of the current season
NO REFUND will be given after May 15th
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